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Initial Experience

EP Research

Abhijit Ghatak, MD, MRCP1*, Christina M. Dookhan, MD2*, Santosh K. Padala, MD3*, Rizwan Alimohammad, MD4, David A. Steckman, MD4, Henry T. Tan, MD4, James O’Brien, MD4, Mandeep S. Sidhu, MD3, Roger Carrillo, MD5, Ivan Mendoza, MD6, Assaf Tzur, MD6
1Division of Interventional Cardiology, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida; 2Division of Internal Medicine, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida; 3Division of Cardiology, Albany Medical Center, New York; 4Division of Electrophysiology, Albany Medical Center, Albany, New York; 5Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Miami Hospital, Miami, Florida; 6Department of Electrophysiology, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida


Abhijit Ghatak, MD, MRCP1*, Christina...
The subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (S-ICD) is a novel advance in ICD technology minimizing intravascular lead complications associated with the traditional transvenous ICD. We report our initial experience with this...
The subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (S-ICD) is a novel advance in ICD technology minimizing intravascular lead complications associated with the traditional transvenous ICD. We report our initial experience with this...
The subcutaneous implantable...
EP Lab Digest
Case Study

Kelly Williams, RN, RCES, 
EP Clinical Coordinator
Parkridge Medical Center
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Kelly Williams, RN, RCES,  EP Clinica...
Numerous advances in the field of electrophysiology are coming at an astounding rate. It is indeed a great time to be working in the EP lab.
Numerous advances in the field of electrophysiology are coming at an astounding rate. It is indeed a great time to be working in the EP lab.
Numerous advances in the field...
EP Lab Digest
Case Study

Scott Lee, MD
Director of Electrophysiology, Baptist Health System
Jacksonville, Florida

Scott Lee, MD Director of Electrophys...
As the number of patients with a pacemaker or ICD increases, it is to be expected that those who will eventually need an MRI due to comorbid medical conditions will also increase.
As the number of patients with a pacemaker or ICD increases, it is to be expected that those who will eventually need an MRI due to comorbid medical conditions will also increase.
As the number of patients with a...
EP Lab Digest