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Contrast Media


Ashish Pershad, MD1;  Ghassan Fraij, MD2;  Sudhakar V. Girotra, MD2;  H. Kenith Fang, MD3,4;  George Gellert, MD1,5

Ashish Pershad, MD1;  Ghassan Fraij, ...
Acute kidney injury (AKI) stage II-III has been associated with a higher short-term and long-term mortality after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). We present a patient with AKI where fluoroscopic landmarks and TEE imaging were...
Acute kidney injury (AKI) stage II-III has been associated with a higher short-term and long-term mortality after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). We present a patient with AKI where fluoroscopic landmarks and TEE imaging were...
Acute kidney injury (AKI) stage...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Filippo Scalise, MD1;  Eugenio Novelli, PhD2;  Carla Auguadro, MD1;  Valentina Casali, MD1;
Mariella Manfredi, MD1;  Romano Zannoli, PhD, EngD3

Filippo Scalise, MD1;  Eugenio Novell...
Carbon dioxide digital subtraction angiography is a valuable and safe alternative to traditional iodinated contrast media for evaluating CLI patients. This 40-patient study supports that this modality should be considered as the standard...
Carbon dioxide digital subtraction angiography is a valuable and safe alternative to traditional iodinated contrast media for evaluating CLI patients. This 40-patient study supports that this modality should be considered as the standard...
Carbon dioxide digital...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology