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Simon B√©rub√©, MD1;  Andrew Benko, MD1;  Marc-Antoine Despatis, MD; MSc1;  Louis-Philippe Riel, MSc2;  Marianne Brodmann, MD3;  Eric Therasse, MD4;  Martin Brouillette, PhD2;  Jihad A. Mustapha, MD5;  Philippe G√©n√©reux, MD6,7,8,9

Simon B√©rub√©, MD1;  Andrew Benko, M...
The current report describes the first use of the SoundBite Crossing System in the recanalization of human ex vivo occluded arteries below the knee during a simulated procedure performed under fluoroscopy.
The current report describes the first use of the SoundBite Crossing System in the recanalization of human ex vivo occluded arteries below the knee during a simulated procedure performed under fluoroscopy.
The current report describes the...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology