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aortic pseudoaneurysm

Figure 1. Electrocardiogram

Marcos Danillo Oliveira, MD, MSc; Daniel Catto De Marchi, MD; Pedro Perillo de Sá, MD; Adriano Caixeta, MD, PhD

Marcos Danillo Oliveira, MD, MSc; Dan...
Video Supplement to "Ascending Aortic Rupture Incidentally Revealed at the Cath Lab: Surprising, Rare, and Life-Threatening" (February 2024 Clinical Image)
Video Supplement to "Ascending Aortic Rupture Incidentally Revealed at the Cath Lab: Surprising, Rare, and Life-Threatening" (February 2024 Clinical Image)
Video Supplement to "Ascending...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clinical Images

Deepa Sasikumar, DM1;  Arun Gopalakrishnan, DM1;  Harikrishnan K.N. Kurup, DM1;  Baiju S. Dharan, MCh2

Deepa Sasikumar, DM1;  Arun Gopalakri...
This case demonstrates that in selected high-risk cases where the anatomy is suitable, percutaneous closure may be feasible and safe in children.
This case demonstrates that in selected high-risk cases where the anatomy is suitable, percutaneous closure may be feasible and safe in children.
This case demonstrates that in...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Zachary L. Steinberg, MD1,2;  Creighton W. Don, MD1,2;  Jack C.J. Sun, MD, MSc3;  Edward A. Gill Jr, MD1,2;  Steven L. Goldberg, MD1,2

Zachary L. Steinberg, MD1,2;  Creight...
We report our experience with percutaneous intervention for the treatment of aortic pseudoaneurysms.
We report our experience with percutaneous intervention for the treatment of aortic pseudoaneurysms.
We report our experience with...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology