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Residency Education

Patrick DeHeer DPM FACFAS
The proposed changes to the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) Document 320 will profoundly affect the entire profession, not just podiatric surgical residencies. Final changes must move the podiatric physicians closer to the...
The proposed changes to the Council on Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) Document 320 will profoundly affect the entire profession, not just podiatric surgical residencies. Final changes must move the podiatric physicians closer to the...
The proposed changes to the...
Podiatry Today
Current Insights On Supplemental Educational Resources During Residency Training
Residency Corner
Clinical Editor: David Bernstein, DPM, FACFAS
Panelists: Sandra Farmand-Haider, DPM, Emily Khuc, DPM and Anna Stoupine, DPM
Clinical Editor: David Bernstein, DPM...
Residents often seek to enhance their learning during this critical time in their careers. What are their go-to resources and how might these differ from the training of residents in years past? With this in mind, resident panelists share...
Residents often seek to enhance their learning during this critical time in their careers. What are their go-to resources and how might these differ from the training of residents in years past? With this in mind, resident panelists share...
Residents often seek to enhance...
Podiatry Today
Keys To Bridging The Generation Gap With Residents
Residency Corner
Clinical Editor: David Bernstein, DPM, FACFAS
Panelists: Patrick S. Agnew, DPM, FACFAS, Kimberly Hurley, DPM, FACFAS and Zeeshan S. Husain, DPM, FACFAS, FASPS
Clinical Editor: David Bernstein, DPM...
Should intergenerational differences play a role when determining how to provide the best possible educational experience for residents? A panel of residency directors share their observations and experiences in teaching and working with...
Should intergenerational differences play a role when determining how to provide the best possible educational experience for residents? A panel of residency directors share their observations and experiences in teaching and working with...
Should intergenerational...
Podiatry Today
Patrick DeHeer DPM FACFAS
William Halsted, MD, FACS at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine developed the initial residency education model in 1889 based on the German pyramidal system.1 The shark tank-like approach to postgraduate medical education guaranteed...
William Halsted, MD, FACS at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine developed the initial residency education model in 1889 based on the German pyramidal system.1 The shark tank-like approach to postgraduate medical education guaranteed...
William Halsted, MD, FACS at...
Podiatry Today
David Bishop DPM
Match season is almost upon us. The fourth year of podiatry school is a very busy time. Students spend one month with programs that they may wish to attend for residency. In that short period of time, they need to decide if they like the...
Match season is almost upon us. The fourth year of podiatry school is a very busy time. Students spend one month with programs that they may wish to attend for residency. In that short period of time, they need to decide if they like the...
Match season is almost upon us....
Podiatry Today
How Do Non-Podiatric Rotations Contribute To Podiatric Residency Education?
Residency Corner
Panelists: Joe Altepeter, DPM, Sahab K. Danesh, DPM and Nicole Zahn, DPM, MS
Clinical Editor: David Bernstein, DPM, FACFAS
Panelists: Joe Altepeter, DPM, Sahab ...
As parity with MD and DO colleagues becomes increasingly important, these second-year resident panelists discuss their experiences with non-podiatric rotations and their associated challenges and triumphs. Additionally, they share advice for...
As parity with MD and DO colleagues becomes increasingly important, these second-year resident panelists discuss their experiences with non-podiatric rotations and their associated challenges and triumphs. Additionally, they share advice for...
As parity with MD and DO...
Podiatry Today
Residency Corner
Clinical Editor: David Bernstein, DPM, FACFAS
Panelists: Jacob Carmichael, DPM, Matt Lining, DPM, and Sandy Nguyen, DPM

Clinical Editor: David Bernstein, DPM...
The panelists discuss the high and low points of their first-year experience, reveal lessons learned and share advice they have for incoming residents.
The panelists discuss the high and low points of their first-year experience, reveal lessons learned and share advice they have for incoming residents.
The panelists discuss the high...
Podiatry Today
Residency Corner
Panelists: Lawrence Fallat, DPM, FACFAS, Sabrina Minhas, DPM, DABPM, Caitlin Zarick, DPM
Clinical Editor: David Bernstein, DPM, FACFAS
Panelists: Lawrence Fallat, DPM, FACF...
The panelists discuss how they use information provided by both internal and external evaluations of their residency programs, and how they integrate attending and residents into the process.
The panelists discuss how they use information provided by both internal and external evaluations of their residency programs, and how they integrate attending and residents into the process.
The panelists discuss how they...
Podiatry Today