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Racial Inequalities In Health Care

Vulnerable: Thoughts From An African- American Male Podiatric Physician
By Alton Johnson, DPM
By Alton Johnson, DPM
How is 2020 going for you? In today’s climate, this simple question evokes a multitude of emotions.  Recently, I find myself overwhelmed when it comes to the challenges our country currently battles, the first being COVID-19. In the...
How is 2020 going for you? In today’s climate, this simple question evokes a multitude of emotions.  Recently, I find myself overwhelmed when it comes to the challenges our country currently battles, the first being COVID-19. In the...
How is 2020 going for you? In...
Podiatry Today
Alton Johnson DPM
How is 2020 going for you all? Many would probably overlook the question and its answer prior to the start of the new year. However, in today’s climate, such a simple question can evoke a multitude of emotions. So please take a minute and...
How is 2020 going for you all? Many would probably overlook the question and its answer prior to the start of the new year. However, in today’s climate, such a simple question can evoke a multitude of emotions. So please take a minute and...
How is 2020 going for you all?...
Podiatry Today