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Dina M. Sparano, MD

Original Contribution
Dina M. Sparano, MD
Focus on the Positive Few symbols are more iconic than the plus sign of a positive pregnancy test. The first time I stood eye-to-eye with this small but mighty character was at the time I was transitioning from my general cardiology to EP...
Focus on the Positive Few symbols are more iconic than the plus sign of a positive pregnancy test. The first time I stood eye-to-eye with this small but mighty character was at the time I was transitioning from my general cardiology to EP...
Focus on the Positive Few...
EP Lab Digest
Women in Electrophysiology
Dina M. Sparano, MD
Focus on the Positive Few symbols are more iconic than the plus sign of a positive pregnancy test. The first time I stood eye-to-eye with this small but mighty character was at the time I was transitioning from my general cardiology to EP...
Focus on the Positive Few symbols are more iconic than the plus sign of a positive pregnancy test. The first time I stood eye-to-eye with this small but mighty character was at the time I was transitioning from my general cardiology to EP...
Focus on the Positive Few...
EP Lab Digest