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Medical Services

A University of Georgia researcher is embarking on a project designed to evaluate how addiction treatment centers address trauma issues in their
A University of Georgia researcher is embarking on a project designed to evaluate how addiction treatment centers address trauma issues in their
A University of Georgia...
Addiction Professional
Workers using employee assistance services in today’s frightening economic times are reporting multiple needs of an increasing intensity, with many
Workers using employee assistance services in today’s frightening economic times are reporting multiple needs of an increasing intensity, with many
Workers using employee...
Addiction Professional
The federal government is calling generalist physicians the “first line of defense” against substance abuse and addiction, if they can begin to
The federal government is calling generalist physicians the “first line of defense” against substance abuse and addiction, if they can begin to
The federal government is...
Addiction Professional
A number of addiction treatment organizations are doing their part to ensure that veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have access to
A number of addiction treatment organizations are doing their part to ensure that veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have access to
A number of addiction treatment...
Addiction Professional
More than 20 years ago, Caron Treatment Centers began to recognize the importance of helping people unlock the pain and emotions from past trauma.
More than 20 years ago, Caron Treatment Centers began to recognize the importance of helping people unlock the pain and emotions from past trauma.
More than 20 years ago, Caron...
Addiction Professional
Addiction counselors face a number of pressures, both within and outside the therapeutic relationship, that can contribute to stress and burnout. A
Addiction counselors face a number of pressures, both within and outside the therapeutic relationship, that can contribute to stress and burnout. A
Addiction counselors face a...
Addiction Professional
A "cigarette" newly available to U.S. consumers promises to be tar-free, produce no secondhand smoke, and leave extra dollars in regular smokers’ pockets.
A "cigarette" newly available to U.S. consumers promises to be tar-free, produce no secondhand smoke, and leave extra dollars in regular smokers’ pockets.
A "cigarette" newly available to...
Addiction Professional
Susan is a case example of a high-functioning alcoholic (HFA) in that she is able to maintain her outside life (job, home, family and
Susan is a case example of a high-functioning alcoholic (HFA) in that she is able to maintain her outside life (job, home, family and
Susan is a case example of a...
Addiction Professional
Fear is an emotion aroused by the perceived threat to one's safety and well-being, and it is one of the greatest obstacles to recovery from chemical
Fear is an emotion aroused by the perceived threat to one's safety and well-being, and it is one of the greatest obstacles to recovery from chemical
Fear is an emotion aroused by...
Addiction Professional
Back when he started working with Vietnam veterans more than 25 years ago, Jerry A. Boriskin, PhD, CAS, saw that most helping professionals knew
Back when he started working with Vietnam veterans more than 25 years ago, Jerry A. Boriskin, PhD, CAS, saw that most helping professionals knew
Back when he started working...
Addiction Professional

