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Krah Corp. IPC Scholarship Award

Krah Corp.

Welcome to the 2023 Krah Corp. Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) Scholarship Award submission page.

Presentation and Award

The Krah Corp. will select a deserving EMS professional (paid or volunteer) to receive a commemorative award and a full core program conference registration for EMS World Expo 2023, scheduled for September 18–22, 2023, in New Orleans, LA.


The mission of this award is to honor an EMS professional or volunteer who has raised the bar of infection prevention to include the highest standards of practice and has been instrumental in reducing the risk of patients and fellow workers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Submission Deadline    

July 31, 2023. Please keep statements to 500 words or less.


Nominees will be considered based on the following criteria.  Your nomination statement should include information on how the nominee:

-           Has at least 5 years of active EMS service;

-           Significantly aided in the conception and development of infection prevention and control methods during response to the COVID-19 pandemic;

-           Continually contributes and incorporates innovative strategies and tools to enhance the level of infection prevention within the station and in the field;

-           Strives to strengthen EMS awareness and support of infection prevention strategies;

-           Demonstrates leadership and willingness to train others on infection prevention practices within EMS;

-           Any other relevant information provided in support of the nominee

Submit using the fields below. Thanks for your entry!





