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Technimount EMS Introduces Versatile Pump Mounting System

Technimount EMS 

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Together with the rest of the Bracket Pro Serie product lines for monitors, defibrillators, and ventilators, the new medical pump line confirms Technmount's leadership in responding to the needs of CCT teams and services. 


Technimount EMS (“Technimount”), an affiliate company of Technimount System and leading provider of mounting solutions for medical devices, is proud to introduce a new product line dedicated to securing multiple perfusion and infusion pumps. Technimount EMS offers state-of-the-art mounting solutions for critical care transport, and its newest addition to the Bracket Pro Serie family facilitates medical device management during ground and air critical care transport (CCT) while ensuring crew and patient safety.

CCT teams are continuously faced with finding the best ways of securing life-sustaining medical devices during interfacility patient transfers. Technimount’s revolutionary solutions provide more flexibility within the different applications such as on a stretcher, surface, or wall, while being compliant with the highest industry standards for ground and air transport. This new product line integrates unique features highly appreciated by CCT teams such as a design to secure multiple perfusion and infusion pumps; individual locking mechanisms on each pump holder; red quick-release mechanisms to instantly remove the pump from its mounting system; universal back and bottom micro discs for additional mounting flexibility.

The Bracket Pro Serie (BP) portfolio now includes a comprehensive product line of mounting systems for pumps such as: B.Braun Infusomat and Perfusor pumps (BP 80-GR1, GR3, FL4), Eitan Medical Sapphire pumps (BP 92-FL3 and FL4), Baxter Sigma Spectrum (BP 120-GR3, FL3) and Spectrum IQ pumps (BP 121-GR1, GR3, FL3), Smiths Medical Medfusion 4000 pump (BP-152), in addition to the Laerdal Compact Suction Unit 4 (BP-77).

Together with the rest of the Bracket Pro Serie product lines for monitors, defibrillators, and ventilators, the new medical pump line confirms Technmount's leadership in responding to the needs of CCT teams and services, enabling them to safely manage the transport of multiple life-sustaining medical pumps that improve patient care.

“The launch of the Bracket Pro Serie for pumps continues to demonstrate our commitment with the healthcare community to offer the safest and most flexible mounting systems for medical devices,” said Carl Bouchard, founder and CEO of Technimount System. “We are proud to launch this new product line that responds to the specific needs of the CCT services [and] provides enhanced versatility and safety. We will continue to work closely with the industry towards developing the most revolutionary systems that will help improve patient care.” The Bracket Pro Serie pump product line was presented for the first time at FDIC/JEMS Conference along with other new brackets for medical devices.

See the new-product launch video here.

Technimount EMS offers a wide range of mounting systems for medical devices, addressing the safety needs of patients and staff during ground or air emergency and critical care transport, establishing itself as a standard in the emergency medical services industry. 


