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Product Showcase: March 2022

EMS World Staff 

March 2022
The Binder Lift wraps around the patient’s torso, providing 24–32 handles so providers can lift collectively from a range of angles. (Photo: Binder Lift)
The Binder Lift wraps around the patient’s torso, providing 24–32 handles so providers can lift collectively from a range of angles. (Photo: Binder Lift)

Easier and Safer Lifts

The geriatric patient had fallen into an open linen closet outside their bathroom. They weren’t seriously hurt but in the close quarters of the closet had trouble getting back up. 

Fortunately the crew responding from Milwaukee-based Bell Ambulance was equipped with a BinderLift device. Even in the closet’s cramped confines, they got it wrapped around the patient and used it to hoist them out and back to their feet. 

“The Binder Lift changes the game in terms of getting patients up from sitting or lying positions and awkward positions where they’ve fallen,” says Adam Kuhs, AEMT, Bell’s deputy director of operations. “The older you get, the more fragile you may be, so we want to get them up with a minimal risk of injury. The Binder Lift is great because it gives you extra leverage on the patient and different handles for different approaches to lifting.” 

The Binder Lift, added by Bell in 2018, wraps around the patient’s torso, providing 24–32 handles so providers can lift collectively from a range of angles. A cushioned top edge and full torso support keep the patient comfortable, and it’s easily cleaned of bodily fluids. Bell uses the vinyl model, though it also comes in nylon.

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Since 1934 fire and rescue professionals have turned to training materials published by the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) and Fire Protection Publications (FPP) to stay abreast of the latest techniques in firefighting and safety. (Photo: IFSTA/FPP)
Since 1934 fire and rescue professionals have turned to training materials published by the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) and Fire Protection Publications (FPP) to stay abreast of the latest techniques in firefighting and safety. (Photo: IFSTA/FPP)

Expert-Written, Validated Firefighting Training Materials

Since 1934 fire and rescue professionals have turned to training materials published by the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) and Fire Protection Publications (FPP) to stay abreast of the latest techniques in firefighting and safety.

FPP publishes IFSTA-validated training materials for the fire and emergency services. FPP serves as the headquarters for IFSTA, a member organization that develops peer-validated training materials.

Committees of technical experts meet regularly to discuss current standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and other standards-making groups as they apply to IFSTA-validated manuals, explains Erin Portman, marketing coordinator for IFSTA.

FPP has released Essentials of Fire Fighting, 7th edition. Chapters cover firefighting skills, first aid, hazmat operations, the incident command system, and more. The 7th edition includes notable updates including significant changes in the fire dynamics and ventilation chapters; enhanced hazmat content meeting NFPA 1072 standards; a free student companion app with skills videos; and a complete line of support products for students and instructors including the curriculum, workbook, exam prep, interactive course, skills videos, and ebook.

“Proper training of our firefighters, EMS, and first responders impacts everyone in our communities,” says Portman. “By using an IFSTA product in your training, you feel secure that they’re written by those on the lines with you.”  

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Columbia Southern University’s degree programs in emergency medical services administration are designed for EMS professionals who are seeking a leadership or administrative position in the EMS field. (Photo: Columbia Southern University)
Columbia Southern University’s degree programs in emergency medical services administration are designed for EMS professionals who are seeking a leadership or administrative position in the EMS field. (Photo: Columbia Southern University)

Online Education to Prepare Tomorrow's EMS Leaders

Columbia Southern University's degree programs in emergency medical services administration are designed for EMS professionals who are seeking a leadership or administrative position in the EMS field.

Taught by industry experts, these educational programs cover several areas of EMS systems, including leadership, planning and development, risk management, and administration.

“The flexibility of the program around current professional and personal life was the driver for choosing CSU,” says Daniel Tyk, who earned his Bachelor of Science in Emergency Medical Services Administration with CSU in 2017.

“Moreover, the reputation for effective and economic education offerings made CSU an obvious choice. Their partnerships with organizations like my fire department make it easy for career-driven individuals to pursue further education.”

Tyk is currently captain, EMS manager, and public information and community relations officer for North Shore Fire-Rescue in Whitefish Bay, Wisc. He recommends CSU educational programs to any EMS professional looking to advance their personal and professional life.

“I believe in being a lifelong learner,” says Tyk. “The programs offered at CSU allowed me to meet my goals in my personal life (being present for my family), while still allowing me to achieve excellence and education in my professional life. In a world where technology and information are ever-changing, I believe continued education is essential to professional and personal growth and success.”

CSU is geared toward providing education in specialized areas for adult learners and has trained its faculty in assisting students as much as possible.

“I've found ways to apply what I have learned both in my career and at home,” says Tyk. “These lessons are invaluable and lessons I have not found at other educational institutions. CSU faculty has been overwhelmingly responsive and helpful when I had questions. I would recommend CSU to anyone currently in a career but looking for advancement in knowledge and skill.”  

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