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EMS and the PD: Optimize the Interface

“One thing to understand about police officers is that of all professions, including medicine, they have to master a wider variety of topics than just about anyone,” says David McArdle, MD, FACEP, an emergency physician in Colorado and chair of the International Association of Chiefs of Police’s Police Physicians Section.
“One thing to understand about police officers is that of all professions, including medicine, they have to master a wider variety of topics than just about anyone,” says David McArdle, MD, FACEP, an emergency physician in Colorado and chair of the International Association of Chiefs of Police’s Police Physicians Section. (Photo: Derek O. Hanley/DOHP) 

With EMS facing personnel shortages, units going out of service, and climbing response times, the ability of our law enforcement partners to absorb key segments of the medical mission is more important than ever. How can EMS and their PDs work together and help each other most optimally? Building on February's cover report, "Making the Most of Police Partners," host Mike McCabe and emergency physician and police veteran David McArdle, MD, FACEP, explore the interface between medicine and law in the field. Read the associated article here

Follow EMS World (EMSWorldOFCL) on TwitterFacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn. EMS World Expo is Oct. 10–14, 2022 in Orlando. 


