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Press Release

Film Poses New Options for Post-Traumatic Stress


In the Wounded Heroes Documentary released March 5th, 2021, post-traumatic stress (PTS) sufferers are finally getting their voices heard as they speak out about their mistreatment by the healthcare system, the medications that are making them worse, and the lifesaving new proven therapies that are giving them back their lives.

An alarming statistic by the Department of Veterans Affairs reports anywhere from 17 to 22 veteran suicides every single day. Many feel it does not need to be that way.

After learning about this statistic and the serious side effects of overmedicating veterans, California filmmaker Michael Gier went on a mission to find successful alternative nondrug treatments to restore lives from the destruction of PTS.

“Post-traumatic stress among our veterans is a serious problem,” said Gier. “Most are given prescription medications or drug cocktails, as many call them, and some of these prescriptions are black-labeled with serious side effects.”

Gier, who traveled all over the country interviewing veterans, military brass, politicians, doctors, and other experts, said many veterans feel medication is just a Band-Aid over a wound that will never heal.

“Our veterans deserve so much more than just a Band-Aid, and that is what inspired me to create this film,” said Gier.

Wounded Heroes Documentary is a three-year passion project, funded primarily by Gier and his wife, Terri, and features life-changing options that give those suffering from PTS hope, potentially saving lives.

“These men and women served our country for years, and the best we can do is give them drugs—some as many as 18 different prescriptions, 40 pills a day?!” said Gier. “I knew there had to be better options.”

In the film Gier interviews healthcare professionals who are using alternative therapies that have been successfully proven to dramatically decrease their patients' medication or help them become completely PTS prescription-free.

Gier said by creating the film he wanted to bring as much awareness as possible about these life-changing treatments and that everyone suffering from PTS needed to know there were other options out there for them.

“These aren’t just therapies that can help our soldiers and veterans,” said Gier. “Firefighters, police officers, and first responders all deal with PTS, and even more people from all walks of life are being affected by COVID-19. These can benefit them too.”

Veterans reported the alternative treatments helped change their lives significantly for the better and went from contemplating suicide to finding happiness and gratitude in their daily lives.

Shauna Springer, PhD, is one of the nation's leading experts on trauma, military transition, and close relationships. She has become a trusted doctor to countless warfighters across the country and has gained the respect of warriors of all ranks. Her unique role has given her a deep understanding of warrior culture and the warfighter.

Springer is a proud advocate of the film.

“The feeling that post-traumatic stress is a life sentence is killing warriors—and people across America. Many have given up, but they need to know that there is life beyond trauma—not just survival but a good life—a connected, emotionally fulfilling life. Wounded Heroes presents this life-changing story of hope,” said Springer.

The Wounded Heroes Documentary is available for streaming across multiple platforms including Amazon, iTunes, Google, and more. Visit to learn more. 



