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Veterans Health Today

As COVID-19 Pandemic Widens, Benefits of GI Bill to Continue

April 2020

According to the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), as of March 21, 2020, President Trump signed into law S 3503. This law allows the agency to continue providing educational benefits to students having to take courses online due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

“I commend President Trump and Congress for their work on this important law,” said VA Secretary Robert Wilkie in a press statement. 

Under the law signed by President Trump, the VA is given temporary authority to continue GI Bill payments uninterrupted in the event of national emergencies. This allows for continued payment of benefits even if the program has changed from resident training to online training. 

The press release from the VA stated that GI Bill students will continue to receive the same monthly housing allowance payments under this law. These payments will continue for resident training until December 21, 2020, or until the school resumes in-person classes. 

“It will give veteran students certainty as they continue their education,” said Mr Wilkie. 

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, thousands of students have been converted to distance learning as many educational institutions are transitioning to technology-based lesson delivery.—Julie Gould 


