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5 Critical Strategies for Health Plans to Connect with Members During a Pandemic

Lora AlexanderBy Lora Alexander, director of engagement, experience, design, and research at NovuHealth

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, engaging and communicating with members has never been more important for health plans. With the situation evolving so rapidly, both globally and locally, plan members run the risk of being confused by outdated, inaccurate and outright bad information.

Payers have a unique opportunity to connect members with the crucial information, resources and benefits they need to take care of their physical and mental health during these uncertain times.  

But in this environment, what’s the best approach for plans to take? How can plans reassure members that they are there for them in this time of crisis?

Below are five engagement best practices for health plans to help members stay healthy and equipped with relevant information and services as they navigate the days ahead.

1. Communicate to everyone and prioritize high-risk members. 

When it comes to emergency communications, health plans want to reach as many people as possible. However, during this specific COVID-19 pandemic, it is especially important for plans to communicate with high-risk populations, especially seniors, the mom and baby population, those with pre-existing conditions, and those living in regional hot spots.

The best approach for plans is to focus on these members for additional, targeted communications while ensuring all members have access to critical COVID-19 information, resources and support. This includes promoting in-home visits for select members, and nurse lines and telehealth tools for all.

2. Take an omni-channel approach. 

Many plans use just one or two channels of communication for member outreach, such as traditional outbound mail and a call center. But different members prefer different channels, so there is a risk some plans aren’t reaching as many members as possible.

Plans should use an omni-channel communications strategy to reach members where they are and in the channels they prefer. To communicate with members quickly and efficiently, plans should use quick-to-implement channels, such as email and interactive voice response (IVR), as well as text messaging and direct mail, the latter two being the preferred channels for many Medicare Advantage members.

3. Make sure your content is easy to understand.

While all member communications are important, information about COVID-19 prevention measures, symptoms, and testing options are absolutely critical during these times. But if members can’t understand what they’re being asked to do or why it’s important, they may inadvertently neglect to take action, and their health could be endangered as a result.

It’s essential for health plans to communicate simply and clearly. Not every member is up to date on the latest jargon and terminology as it relates to the virus, so plans should explain complex medical terms in plain language. This means avoiding clichés, idioms and slang, and using clever but simple design elements to help readability. Above all, plans shouldn't just tell members what to do, they need to tell them why it matters.

If a plan's goal is to educate members about social distancing, for example, they shouldn't simply prompt them to stay home. A better approach is to explain exactly why it is important and the impact it can have on their health.

4. Be honest and communicate frequently. 

During times of crisis and chaos, such as the current pandemic, health plan members need straightforward, frequent communication from trusted sources—including their health plan. Plans need to provide members with timely access to accurate information, critical services and resources to keep them safe and connected, and reassurance that they will support and protect their members. 

Members may face a great deal of uncertainty right now; and with so much information out there—whether on TV, radio, social media or online news outlets—members need reliable, trustworthy sources of information now more than ever. This is a key opportunity for health plans to be a consistent touchstone and reliable source of expert guidance. How plans communicate with their members today will not only ensure members receive the critical information they need, it will likely impact members’ overall satisfaction with their plan long term. 

5. Physical health is important, but don’t forget about members’ mental health. 

While keeping members physically healthy may be a plan’s first priority, in times like these, they shouldn't forget about their members’ mental health. With so many people, especially seniors, dealing with seclusion at the moment, it’s important to help members feel connected. 

In this vein, plans should consider sharing tips on how to avoid stress, social isolation and loneliness, as well as ways to stay engaged with the broader community. In a time of social distancing, plans can serve as a valuable point of connection, offering support to those who may feel alone. It's a trying time for everybody, and social isolation can make it that much more difficult.

The COVID-19 pandemic is undoubtedly one of the defining global healthcare crises of this century, and one that’s challenging to navigate with so much unreliable and incorrect information being shared. In this time of uncertainty, health plan members need reliable sources they can depend on. Now is the time for plans to reassure members that they are there for them and will protect and support them in the months ahead.

Lora Alexander is the director of experience, engagement design, and research at NovuHealth. In this role, she is responsible for primary and secondary research, UX and UI design, personas, journey mapping and experiential design—key capabilities that enable NovuHealth to deliver personalized, dynamic member experiences that drive engagement for clients.


