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E-Cigarette Use Associated With Asthma Among US Adolescents

Hannah Musick

Research published in Preventative Medicine explores the factors associated with e-cigarette use among US adolescents and its relationship with asthma, providing insights for public health strategies to mitigate the risks of e-cigarette use. 

“Previous studies have suggested that e-cigarette use, which has increased rapidly among US adolescents, may cause respiratory distress,” said researchers. “This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the factors associated with e-cigarette use and the relationship between e-cigarette use and asthma among US adolescents.”  

Researchers analyzed data from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System spanning from 2015 to 2019 and utilized multivariable logistic regression to identify factors linked to e-cigarette use among adolescents. They conducted stratified analyses to investigate the association between e-cigarette use and asthma in adolescents based on their prior use of combustible products. 

A study conducted in Texas found that Hispanic adolescents had a lower likelihood of using e-cigarettes compared to White adolescents. The study identified age, substance use, and depression as factors associated with e-cigarette use.  

Males, those with previous combustible and substance use, and individuals experiencing depression were more likely to have tried e-cigarettes in the US. Current e-cigarette use was found to be associated with age and White-identifying individuals. Additionally, the study discovered that e-cigarette use was significantly linked to asthma among adolescents who had never used combustible products, both in Texas and the entire US. 

“In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest a potential relationship between e-cigarette use and asthma among US adolescents, highlighting the need for public health strategies to tackle the increasing prevalence of e-cigarette use and its adverse health effects,” said researchers. “Raising awareness, implementing stricter regulations, and promoting alternative coping mechanisms for mental health are potential interventions to mitigate respiratory health problems in youth.” 


Roh T, Uyamasi K, Aggarwal A, et al. Association between e-cigarette use and asthma among US adolescents: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System 2015–2019. Preventive Medicine. 2023; 175:107695. doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2023.107695. 


