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Rates of Prostate Cancer Mortality Highest Among Men of African Ancestry

Jolynn Tumolo

Social interventions may reduce the markedly higher rates of prostate cancer mortality in men of African ancestry, suggests a study published in European Urology.

“In fact, the highest rates of prostate cancer mortality worldwide are found in the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan West Africa, and among men of African descent in the USA,” wrote lead study author Yaw A. Nyame, MD, of the University of Washington Medical Center Department of Urology, and coauthors. “Addressing this inequity in prostate cancer care and outcomes requires a focused research approach that creates durable solutions to address the structural, social, environmental, and health factors that create racial disparities in care and outcomes.”

The study included a review of literature pertaining to racial inequities in prostate cancer care and outcomes.

According to the review, numerous structural and social determinants of health drive racial inequities in prostate cancer outcomes.

“Social determinants of equity, such as laws/policies, economic systems, and structural racism, affect the inequitable access to environmental and neighborhood exposures, in addition to health care access,” wrote researchers.

Despite a problematic disparity in incidence, studies have shown parity in outcomes when social and health factors are corrected, including access to equitable care, according to study authors. However, few studies have investigated interventions to reduce inequities in prostate cancer in Black men.

The paper provides a framework to formalize the identification of contributors of inequities with the goal of developing strategies to eliminate them.

“More robust characterization of the sources of prostate cancer inequities should inform testing of ambitious and innovative interventions,” they wrote, “as we work toward equity in care and outcomes.”

Nyame YA, Cooperberg MR, Cumberbatch MG, et al. Deconstructing, addressing, and eliminating racial and ethnic inequities in prostate cancer care. Eur Urol. Published online March 30, 2022. doi:10.1016/j.eururo.2022.03.007


