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News Connection
According to a recent data analysis by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Medicare Advantage, more than $1.4 billion was wasted on discarded units of chemotherapy and other cancer-treating drugs in 2017 and 2018.
According to a recent data analysis by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Medicare Advantage, more than $1.4 billion was wasted on discarded units of chemotherapy and other cancer-treating drugs in 2017 and 2018.
According to a recent data...
First Report Managed Care
News Connection
Care Compare, a redesign of eight existing health care tools and platforms, was launched by the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently in an effort to improve patient access to information and streamline health care service...
Care Compare, a redesign of eight existing health care tools and platforms, was launched by the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently in an effort to improve patient access to information and streamline health care service...
Care Compare, a redesign of...
First Report Managed Care


News Connection
President Trump signed an executive order recently dedicated to improving rural health care systems through the implementation of the newly unveiled Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) model, which will be fund...
President Trump signed an executive order recently dedicated to improving rural health care systems through the implementation of the newly unveiled Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) model, which will be fund...
President Trump signed an...
First Report Managed Care
Conference Insider
“Since early initiation of disease modifying therapy has been associated with improved outcome [in MS patients], this phenomenon deserves further investigation,” explained researchers of a recent study.
“Since early initiation of disease modifying therapy has been associated with improved outcome [in MS patients], this phenomenon deserves further investigation,” explained researchers of a recent study.
“Since early initiation of...
First Report Managed Care
Conference Insider
Researchers recently presented long-term data assessing the safety and benefit-risk profile of ofatumumab for the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis.
Researchers recently presented long-term data assessing the safety and benefit-risk profile of ofatumumab for the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis.
Researchers recently presented...
First Report Managed Care


Conference Insider
“Costs associated with administering infusion DMDs among patients with MS in the US should be considered in economic analyses,” said researchers of a recent study.
“Costs associated with administering infusion DMDs among patients with MS in the US should be considered in economic analyses,” said researchers of a recent study.
“Costs associated with...
First Report Managed Care
Formulary Frontlines®

Edan Stanley

Edan Stanley
Headache is extremely common in the general population, but despite its high prevalence and impairment, migraine is often not recognized or effectively treated. Because new classes of drugs and nondrug treatments continue to surface, more...
Headache is extremely common in the general population, but despite its high prevalence and impairment, migraine is often not recognized or effectively treated. Because new classes of drugs and nondrug treatments continue to surface, more...
Headache is extremely common in...
First Report Managed Care
Veterans Health Today
Lifetime drug use disorder, greater alcohol use at baseline, and trauma-related characteristics were independently associated with developing alcohol use disorder within 7 years of follow-up in US military veterans, according to a study...
Lifetime drug use disorder, greater alcohol use at baseline, and trauma-related characteristics were independently associated with developing alcohol use disorder within 7 years of follow-up in US military veterans, according to a study...
Lifetime drug use disorder,...
First Report Managed Care


Veterans Health Today
Mental health services to reduce suicide risk among US veterans should focus on maintaining or improving basic functioning (living, financial, and vocational) and well-being (social, psychological, and spiritual), suggests findings from a...
Mental health services to reduce suicide risk among US veterans should focus on maintaining or improving basic functioning (living, financial, and vocational) and well-being (social, psychological, and spiritual), suggests findings from a...
Mental health services to reduce...
First Report Managed Care
Veterans Health Today
Participation in a group-based complementary and integrative health program significantly improved self-reported mental health and pain interfering with work in a pilot sample of female veterans, according to a study published in Explore. 
Participation in a group-based complementary and integrative health program significantly improved self-reported mental health and pain interfering with work in a pilot sample of female veterans, according to a study published in Explore. 
Participation in a group-based...
First Report Managed Care
