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Navigating Clinical Challenges, Improving Care for Patients With Overactive Bladder

Edan Stanley

PopHealth perspectives logo all whiteThis 3-part interview series highlights efforts to reduce the burden and risks associated with overactive bladder, with insight from experts in long-term care, pharmacy, and managed care. 

Speakers In This Series:

  • Manju T Beier, Pharm D, BCGP, FASCP, senior partner, Geriatric Consultant Resources LLC, and adjunct associate professor of pharmacy, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
  • Norm Smith, Principle Payer Market Research Consultant
  • Chad Worz, PharmD, BCGP, Chief Executive, American Society of Consultant Pharmacists

Manju T Beier PharmD BCGP FASCPReducing Anticholinergic Burden for Older Adults With Overactive Bladder in LTC

Manju T Beier, Pharm D, BCGP, FASCP, senior partner, Geriatric Consultant Resources LLC, and adjunct associate professor of pharmacy, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, discusses the overall prevalence and risks associated with overactive bladder among older adults in long-term care, as well as offers insight on successful initiatives to reduce anticholinergic burden. Listen to part 1 here.

Norm Smith, Principle Payer Market Research ConsultantQuality Value Proposition Is Key to Improving OAB Care, Coverage for Older Adult Members

Norm Smith, principal payer market research consultant, emphasizes the importance of ensuring market access teams are equipped with quality value propositions which demonstrate the clinical value and cost benefits of overactive bladder therapy options for older adult member populations, particularly those in long-term care. Listen to part 2 here.

Chad Worz PharmD BCGP

A Pharmacist’s Role in Addressing the Burden of OAB Among Older Adults

Chad Worz PharmD, BCGP, chief executive, ASCP, discusses the prevalence of polypharmacy among older adults with overactive bladder and the role pharmacists play in the care team to reduce the burden. Listen to part 3 here.


