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Sid Devarakonda
Tune in as we speak with a guest oncology expert about the progress in treating non-small cell lung cancer, targeted therapies and immunotherapy, and the challenges of early detection and screening options covered by health plans.
Tune in as we speak with a guest oncology expert about the progress in treating non-small cell lung cancer, targeted therapies and immunotherapy, and the challenges of early detection and screening options covered by health plans.
Tune in as we speak with a guest...
First Report Managed Care

Featuring Gary Owens, MD, president of Gary Owens Associates

Featuring Gary Owens, MD, president o...
Join us as guest expert Gary Owens discusses how formulary exclusions can impact patient medication adherence and lead to adverse economic outcomes, making the need for non-medical switching and formulary exception requests an important issue...
Join us as guest expert Gary Owens discusses how formulary exclusions can impact patient medication adherence and lead to adverse economic outcomes, making the need for non-medical switching and formulary exception requests an important issue...
Join us as guest expert Gary...
First Report Managed Care
Prajapati Podcast

Featuring Yash Prajapati, consultant at ZS Associates 

Featuring Yash Prajapati, consultant ...
Join us in exploring the challenges and opportunities in the development, approval, and integration of digital therapeutic solutions with ZS Associates Consultant Yash Prajapati.
Join us in exploring the challenges and opportunities in the development, approval, and integration of digital therapeutic solutions with ZS Associates Consultant Yash Prajapati.
Join us in exploring the...
First Report Managed Care


Shomali Podcast

Featuring Mansur Shomali, MD, chief medical officer at Welldoc, endocrinologist at MedStar Health 

Featuring Mansur Shomali, MD, chief m...
Discover how digital therapeutics are revolutionizing disease management, patient care, reducing health care costs, and more with Dr Mansur Shomali, CMO at Welldoc.
Discover how digital therapeutics are revolutionizing disease management, patient care, reducing health care costs, and more with Dr Mansur Shomali, CMO at Welldoc.
Discover how digital...
First Report Managed Care
Larry Hsu Headshot

Featuring Larry Hsu, MD, medical director at HMSA

Featuring Larry Hsu, MD, medical dire...
A doctor and expert in value-based care offers insights into treatment costs and treatment regimens for patients with polymyalgia rheumatica.
A doctor and expert in value-based care offers insights into treatment costs and treatment regimens for patients with polymyalgia rheumatica.
A doctor and expert in...
First Report Managed Care

Featuring Christopher Blackwell, PhD, UCF College of Nursing

Featuring Christopher Blackwell, PhD,...
An expert discusses the HIV treatment option Cabenuva, and explains why this is a more convenient way to deliver long-acting antiretroviral therapy to patients who either do not want to take a daily pill, or who are just wanting to break the...
An expert discusses the HIV treatment option Cabenuva, and explains why this is a more convenient way to deliver long-acting antiretroviral therapy to patients who either do not want to take a daily pill, or who are just wanting to break the...
An expert discusses the HIV...
First Report Managed Care



Featuring Steven Peskin, MD, CEO, SRP Advisors

Featuring Steven Peskin, MD, CEO, SRP...
Dr Steven Peskin, general internal medicine specialist and CEO of SRP Advisors, joins us today to discuss value-based care and treatment costs for patients with rheumatic conditions.
Dr Steven Peskin, general internal medicine specialist and CEO of SRP Advisors, joins us today to discuss value-based care and treatment costs for patients with rheumatic conditions.
Dr Steven Peskin, general...
First Report Managed Care
alpesh amin

Featuring Alpesh Amin, MD, MBA 

Featuring Alpesh Amin, MD, MBA  ...
Alpesh Amin, MD, MBA , professor and chair, University of California, discusses the results of a recent study, and explains why better treatments to reduce primary C difficile infection and recurrences in older adults can lower the mortality...
Alpesh Amin, MD, MBA , professor and chair, University of California, discusses the results of a recent study, and explains why better treatments to reduce primary C difficile infection and recurrences in older adults can lower the mortality...
Alpesh Amin, MD, MBA , professor...
First Report Managed Care
Iltefat Hamzavi, MD

Featuring Iltefat Hamzavi, MD

Featuring Iltefat Hamzavi, MD
Iltefat Hamzavi, MD, Department of Dermatology, Henry Ford Medical Center, discusses his recent research letter that addresses the benefits of ruxolitinib cream for the treatment of vitiligo, and highlights the clinically meaningful use of...
Iltefat Hamzavi, MD, Department of Dermatology, Henry Ford Medical Center, discusses his recent research letter that addresses the benefits of ruxolitinib cream for the treatment of vitiligo, and highlights the clinically meaningful use of...
Iltefat Hamzavi, MD, Department...
First Report Managed Care


joe forrester md

Featuring Joseph Forrester, MD, MSc

Featuring Joseph Forrester, MD, MSc ...
Joseph Forrester, MD, MSc, Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, Stanford University, reviews his recent study investigating health care-associated infections and their costs and explains why these infections remain a...
Joseph Forrester, MD, MSc, Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, Stanford University, reviews his recent study investigating health care-associated infections and their costs and explains why these infections remain a...
Joseph Forrester, MD, MSc,...
First Report Managed Care
