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Injection Therapy for Increasing BP in Adults With Vasodilatory Shock

American Regent introduces the FDA-approved Vasopressin Injection, USP, to increase blood pressure in adult patients with vasodilatory shock who remain hypotensive despite fluids and catecholamines.

“We are pleased to provide this critical medication for patients who need it. The approval of Vasopressin represents our commitment to providing the market with access to competitively priced treatment options,” stated Joann Gioia, Vice President, chief commercial officer at American Regent, Inc, in a press release.

Vasopressin injection, USP, was approved for American Regent, formally Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc, under a 505(b)(2) new drug application in an effort bring more cost-effective therapy options for patients with hypotension.

Vasopressin is supplied as a 1 mL single-dose vial with a strength of 20 Units per mL and is indicated for severe hypotension.

It is typically used in addition to other therapies or as a second-line therapy for critically ill patients and administered in critical care settings by intensivists, cardiologists, or in emergency room settings.

Vasopressin therapy was first developed in 1928 and has since been utilized extensively in intensive care units, especially in the last couple years among patients with COVID-19. The cost for the branded Vasostrict has risen significantly, prompting the drive for cheaper alternatives.

American Regent introduces FDA-approved Vasopressin Injection, USP [news release]. American Regent. Published February 3, 2022. Accessed April 1, 2022.

