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Percutaneous Treatment of Symptomatic LVAD Outflow Graft Obstruction

Faris G. Araj, MD;  Robert M. Morlend, MD;  Matthias Peltz, MD;  Anthony A. Bavry, MD, MPH;  Dharam J. Kumbhani, MD

Video supplement to ”Percutaneous Treatment of Symptomatic Left Ventricular Assist Device Outflow Graft Obstruction,” by Araj, et al. (June 2022 Clinical Images).

A 60-year-old female underwent a left ventricular assist device implantation during which a 1-mm Gore-Tex sheet was used to cover the device and outflow graft to prevent future sternal re-entry injury. Seven years later, she developed low-flow alarms with a pattern of gradual decline in flow and power suggestive of outflow graft obstruction. After a discussion with the multidisciplinary team, percutaneous stenting of the outflow graft was pursued. The following video series offers highlights from her treatment course.

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