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A Message of Hope During These Challenging Times

By: Yvette C Terrie, BS Pharm, RPh, Consultant Pharmacist

In these challenging and uncertain times dealing with the pandemic and unrest in our country, we have all experienced some degree of stress and anxiety and some individuals have probably felt fearful and hopeless at times. As we go about our lives during this pandemic, the majority of people I see at the grocery store are wearing masks to protect themselves and others which indicates that most people are willing to do their part in slowing the transmission of this virus. As more and more states start to reopen in various phases, many seem to be grateful to be able to go out and have a little normalcy back in their lives. At the start of the pandemic and still today, I often noticed that some people no longer make eye contact with others and of course with the masks, it is impossible to read people’s moods because we can’t really see each other’s faces. When I do encounter people, if possible I also try to send a few kind words their way. The pandemic has not only affected people physically, it has taken an emotional toll on all of us to some degree and has completely dismantled any sense of normalcy for society.  I also often think about the impact that social distancing and isolation has had on some people especially those who live alone. I wonder about those who have lost loved ones and did not get a chance to say goodbye or have a proper burial for their loved ones. Last week when I was at the grocery store, I saw an elderly couple (both had masks on), and the sweet elderly lady had a lively laugh that resonated down the aisle. Her husband was quite joyful as well. It was at that moment, that I realized that outside of my family members, she was the first person that I had encountered in a long time that was laughing and not filled with stress and anxiety. Of course, as I social distanced with my mask on, I thanked her for her joyful laughter and told her that the world could really use more of that joy right now. She responded, “Yes, I agree!”. Her husband responded, “She is always a ray of sunshine.” This elderly couple brightened my day for sure.      

I believe that the diagnosis of sleep disorders, anxiety disorders and other mental issues will probably soar after all of this is over. On a regular basis, the majority of news media constantly overwhelms people with negativity and seldom delivers any news of hope and encouragement. The world could use a good dose of laughter and promising news right now. I have read articles indicating that some people are experiencing insomnia, others are stress eating and some disease states have exacerbated because of the stress and uncertainty of this pandemic and patient apprehension to seek medical care because of fear of contracting COVID-19. Fortunately, there are great resources out there to help people cope with stress and anxiety. For example, on July 1, 2020, the CDC updated its information page on coping with stress during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The link can be found here:  

As a health care professional, I try to remind patients to take care of their health by getting enough sleep, exercising, eating a healthy and balanced diet, maintaining routine health care, taking medication as prescribed and finding time each day to destress and relax. It is important to call or video chat with loved ones because laughter and love can sometimes be the best medicine in the world. These are indeed challenging times, but we must remember to live each day with a grateful heart. Of course, life is not completely normal right now, but every day health care experts get a little closer to finding answers about preventing, treating and hopefully eradicating this virus. In the meantime, take care of yourself and your loved ones  and remember the wise words of Mother Theresa when she said, “ Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.

Together we will get through this challenging time in history and emerge stronger, healthier, wiser and hopefully even more grateful each day for the gift of life.   

Yvette C. Terrie, Consultant Pharmacist, Medical Writer and creator of A Pharmacist’s Perspective (

