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Improving Clinical Decision Making With the Rapid Influenza Diagnostic Test

The rapid influenza diagnostic test (RIDT) is an important tool in clinical decision-making despite its sensitivity ranging from 50% to 70%. This is due to its quick turnaround time, high specificity, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness. A web-based survey was conducted among 110 members of the Society of Pediatric Urgent Care to evaluate the use of RIDT for diagnosing and managing influenza in outpatient pediatric patients.

The survey yielded responses from 61 health care providers. The results revealed that 42% of respondents expressed higher confidence in diagnosing influenza when aided by a positive RIDT. This finding suggests that the use of RIDT contributes to increased certainty in identifying cases of influenza among pediatric patients. The reported confidence boost can be attributed to the rapid and specific nature of the test, which provides a definitive result.

Furthermore, 28% of respondents reported a greater likelihood of prescribing antiviral medications to low-risk patients if an RIDT yielded a positive result. This indicates that health care providers are more inclined to administer antiviral treatment when supported by laboratory confirmation through the RIDT. The use of antivirals can help mitigate the severity and duration of influenza symptoms, especially when administered early in the course of the illness.

In conclusion, most pediatric urgent care respondents in this study expressed increased confidence in their influenza diagnoses and a higher likelihood of prescribing antiviral medications when a positive RIDT result was obtained. This highlights the significance of RIDT in guiding clinical decision-making, despite its moderate sensitivity. The quick results, high specificity, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness of RIDT contribute to its continued relevance and utilization in pediatric outpatient settings.

Shaukat H, Wang S, Kim D, et all. Practice patterns and perceptions of influenza testing amongst pediatric urgent care providers. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. Published online February 2023. doi:

