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debritom+ offers wound debridement options with the power of choice across the continuum of care, including strong debridements for the OR and mild-moderate debridement options for the outpatient setting.

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Medaxis, LLC

Medaxis, LLC

Medaxis specializes in the development, production and sale of high-quality medical devices and systems for modern wound treatment. All products are developed and manufactured in Switzerland.


• Quick and easy setup, "plug and play" disposables with no limit on number of procedures and no downtime
• Tissue-preserving debridement that creates subcutaneous pinpoint bleeding without over-debriding or causing damage to granulating tissue
• Proven clinical results with 30% faster wound healing, reduced pain, less scar formation and greater precision than current debridement options

debritom+ is indicated for use on venous and arterial leg ulcers, diabetic foot syndrome, decubitus, infected acute wounds and burn and scald wounds.

Contraindicated for use on malignant tumors, open injuries to blood vessels and unprotected blood vessels, eyes, ears, nose, delicate vessels and structures (e.g., neurovascular structures), complex or highly contaminated wounds or on patients with HIV, hepatitis C or other contagious diseases.

In cases of excessive bleeding and pain, it is the physician's responsibility to decide whether to continue micro water jet therapy and under what circumstances (e.g., the use of analgesic, decreased intensity of therapy, etc.).

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