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Examining a New Class of Antiretroviral Therapy for Patients With Multidrug-Resistant HIV-1 Infection
Max Lataillade, DO, head of global research strategy, ViiV Healthcare, discusses the findings of the BRIGHTE study that demonstrated a significant decrease in HIV-1 RNA levels among patients treated with fostemsavir, a first-in-class...
Max Lataillade, DO, head of global research strategy, ViiV Healthcare, discusses the findings of the BRIGHTE study that demonstrated a significant decrease in HIV-1 RNA levels among patients treated with fostemsavir, a first-in-class...
Max Lataillade, DO, head of...
First Report Managed Care
Weighing Benefits and Challenges to Effectively Treat Atopic Dermatitis
Steven Feldman, MD, PhD, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, discusses the real-world effectiveness of dupilumab for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, how this data is relevant for payers, and stresses the importance of studying...
Steven Feldman, MD, PhD, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, discusses the real-world effectiveness of dupilumab for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, how this data is relevant for payers, and stresses the importance of studying...
Steven Feldman, MD, PhD, Wake...
First Report Managed Care
Refocusing the Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Landscape
Edmund Pezalla, MD, MPH, CEO, Enlightenment Bioconsult LLC, discusses treatment options for multiple sclerosis, highlights results from the ASCLEPIOS I and II studies, and notes why this data can be useful for payers.
Edmund Pezalla, MD, MPH, CEO, Enlightenment Bioconsult LLC, discusses treatment options for multiple sclerosis, highlights results from the ASCLEPIOS I and II studies, and notes why this data can be useful for payers.
Edmund Pezalla, MD, MPH, CEO,...
First Report Managed Care
Discussing Effectiveness, Persistence Rates for Atopic Dermatitis Therapy
Jonathan Silverberg, MD, PhD, MPH, associate professor of dermatology at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC, offers insight into his real-world data study in which he and his colleagues...
Jonathan Silverberg, MD, PhD, MPH, associate professor of dermatology at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC, offers insight into his real-world data study in which he and his colleagues...
Jonathan Silverberg, MD, PhD,...
First Report Managed Care
Factors to Consider When Differentiating Between COVID and Allergy Symptoms
Lakiea Wright, MD, explains how health care professionals can identify allergic asthma triggers in the age of social distancing and highlights factors that should be considered when differentiating between COVID-19 and general allergy...
Lakiea Wright, MD, explains how health care professionals can identify allergic asthma triggers in the age of social distancing and highlights factors that should be considered when differentiating between COVID-19 and general allergy...
Lakiea Wright, MD, explains how...
Population Health
Important Factors to Consider While Navigating Through the Pandemic
Brett Zelkind, senior vice president of business development and Eric Zerneke, chief commercial officer, both at CredSimple, explain why social determinants of health and the uptake in telehealth should be considered throughout the navigation...
Brett Zelkind, senior vice president of business development and Eric Zerneke, chief commercial officer, both at CredSimple, explain why social determinants of health and the uptake in telehealth should be considered throughout the navigation...
Brett Zelkind, senior vice...
First Report Managed Care
Reduction of First Heart Attack, Stroke in Patients With Use of Recently Approved Drug
Deepak L. Bhatt MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA, FSCAI, FESC, executive director of Interventional Cardiovascular Programs at Brigham and Women’s Hospital Heart & Vascular Center and professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, discusses the benefits...
Deepak L. Bhatt MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA, FSCAI, FESC, executive director of Interventional Cardiovascular Programs at Brigham and Women’s Hospital Heart & Vascular Center and professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, discusses the benefits...
Deepak L. Bhatt MD, MPH, FACC,...
Population Health
The Influence of the Pandemic on Medication Adherence, Spending in Health Care
Gupreet Singh, Health Services Leader at PwC Health Research Institute, discusses a recent survey that examined how the current pandemic has influenced the health and behavior of consumers such as medication spending and how the cost of...
Gupreet Singh, Health Services Leader at PwC Health Research Institute, discusses a recent survey that examined how the current pandemic has influenced the health and behavior of consumers such as medication spending and how the cost of...
Gupreet Singh, Health Services...
Pharmacy Learning Network
Exploring How a Treatment Combo Improved Outcomes in Patients With AL Amyloidosis
Raymond Comenzo, MD, hematologist, reviews the findings of the phase III ANDROMEDA trial and details how the addition of daratumumab improves hematologic responses and clinical outcomes.
Raymond Comenzo, MD, hematologist, reviews the findings of the phase III ANDROMEDA trial and details how the addition of daratumumab improves hematologic responses and clinical outcomes.
Raymond Comenzo, MD,...
Population Health
Improving Survival, Remission Rates Among Patients With AML Treated With New Drug Combo
Keith Pratz, MD, associate professor of medicine at the Abramson Comprehensive Cancer Center at University of Pennsylvania, discusses the phase III VIALE-A study that demonstrated a reduction in the risk of death in patients with AML among...
Keith Pratz, MD, associate professor of medicine at the Abramson Comprehensive Cancer Center at University of Pennsylvania, discusses the phase III VIALE-A study that demonstrated a reduction in the risk of death in patients with AML among...
Keith Pratz, MD, associate...
First Report Managed Care


