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Clinical, Economic Burden Related to Chronic Liver Disease Hospitalizations
Robert Wong, MD, MS, Alameda Health System-Highland Hospital, discusses why it is important to optimize and address outpatient management for patients with chronic liver disease in order to prevent complications that may lead to...
Robert Wong, MD, MS, Alameda Health System-Highland Hospital, discusses why it is important to optimize and address outpatient management for patients with chronic liver disease in order to prevent complications that may lead to...
Robert Wong, MD, MS, Alameda...
Pharmacy Learning Network
How Hospitals Are Being Affected by Drug Shortages
Douglas Jennings, PharmD, discusses some of the major decisions hospitals are faced with due to drug shortages in the wake of COVID-19, and explains why he believes pharmacists are going to have to get very creative in how they practice.
Douglas Jennings, PharmD, discusses some of the major decisions hospitals are faced with due to drug shortages in the wake of COVID-19, and explains why he believes pharmacists are going to have to get very creative in how they practice.
Douglas Jennings, PharmD,...
Pharmacy Learning Network
How I Practice Now: Maintaining the Highest Level of Care Since COVID-19
Lindsay Thompson, MD, general pediatrician, discusses how the doctor and patient relationship has changed since the pandemic, and stresses the importance of maintaining and providing the highest level of care.
Lindsay Thompson, MD, general pediatrician, discusses how the doctor and patient relationship has changed since the pandemic, and stresses the importance of maintaining and providing the highest level of care.
Lindsay Thompson, MD, general...
Population Health
Examining Pharmacy Dispensing, Medication Safety Amid COVID-19
Matthew Grissinger, RPh, director of error reporting, ISMP, discusses cross-contamination risk of COVID-19 when handling medications and provides tips to help mitigate this risk.
Matthew Grissinger, RPh, director of error reporting, ISMP, discusses cross-contamination risk of COVID-19 when handling medications and provides tips to help mitigate this risk.
Matthew Grissinger, RPh,...
Pharmacy Learning Network
How I Practice Now: Addressing Situations in Nursing Facilities Not Designed for a Pandemic
Steven Buslovich, MD, and Margaret Sayers, MS, GNP, discuss the current stress nursing facilities are under and explain the importance of assessing frailty to determine appropriate care for chronically ill residents.
Steven Buslovich, MD, and Margaret Sayers, MS, GNP, discuss the current stress nursing facilities are under and explain the importance of assessing frailty to determine appropriate care for chronically ill residents.
Steven Buslovich, MD, and...
Annals of Long-Term Care
How I Practice Now: Perspectives From a Nurse on the Frontlines
Jessica Peck, DNP, discusses how practice has changed since the start of COVID-19 and she gives a future prediction of what she expects to surface in the coming weeks.
Jessica Peck, DNP, discusses how practice has changed since the start of COVID-19 and she gives a future prediction of what she expects to surface in the coming weeks.
Jessica Peck, DNP, discusses how...
Population Health
How I Practice Now: Discussing the Economic Impact of COVID-19
Brad Spellberg, MD, discusses how the pandemic has fundamentally changed medicine, impacted the economy and health insurance, and promoted the continued use of telemedicine in the future.
Brad Spellberg, MD, discusses how the pandemic has fundamentally changed medicine, impacted the economy and health insurance, and promoted the continued use of telemedicine in the future.
Brad Spellberg, MD, discusses...
First Report Managed Care
Breaking Down What is Known About Current Drug Shortages During COVID-19
Sahar Swidan, PharmD, discusses the impact the pandemic has had on drug shortages and provides insight on our country's dependency on foreign drug products.
Sahar Swidan, PharmD, discusses the impact the pandemic has had on drug shortages and provides insight on our country's dependency on foreign drug products.
Sahar Swidan, PharmD, discusses...
Pharmacy Learning Network
How I Practice Now: Adjusting to Telehealth, Addressing Staff Shortages in NHs
Carl E Johnson, MD, attending physician and co-medical director, discusses the adjustment to telehealth for some nursing homes, and highlights how to keep facilities clean in order to avoid staff shortages in already low-staffed facilities.
Carl E Johnson, MD, attending physician and co-medical director, discusses the adjustment to telehealth for some nursing homes, and highlights how to keep facilities clean in order to avoid staff shortages in already low-staffed facilities.
Carl E Johnson, MD, attending...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Retired Pharmacist Weighs In on Recent Removal of Ranitidine From Market
In response to the recent FDA announcement to pull all ranitidine products from the market, Van Coble, BS Pharm, retired pharmacist, expresses his concerns with the recall as well as NDMA contamination. 
In response to the recent FDA announcement to pull all ranitidine products from the market, Van Coble, BS Pharm, retired pharmacist, expresses his concerns with the recall as well as NDMA contamination. 
In response to the recent FDA...
Pharmacy Learning Network


