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How I Practice Now: Identifying Changes to Care and Safety Within Nursing Facilities During COVID-19
Joanne Lynn, MD, former geriatrician and hospice physician, discusses the latest changes that nursing facilities face in order to keep both residents and staff safe, and provides her outlook on future care policies following the pandemic.
Joanne Lynn, MD, former geriatrician and hospice physician, discusses the latest changes that nursing facilities face in order to keep both residents and staff safe, and provides her outlook on future care policies following the pandemic.
Joanne Lynn, MD, former...
Annals of Long-Term Care
How I Practice Now: Pharmacist Shares Thoughts From the Epicenter
Pharmacy Learning Network editorial board member Douglas Jennings, PharmD, describes how care has changed in New York, noting the creation of field hospitals, and he sheds light on anticipated drug shortages.
Pharmacy Learning Network editorial board member Douglas Jennings, PharmD, describes how care has changed in New York, noting the creation of field hospitals, and he sheds light on anticipated drug shortages.
Pharmacy Learning Network...
Pharmacy Learning Network
How I Practice Now: David Shulkin, MD, Identifies Measures the VA has Taken to Improve Care During COVID-19
David Shulkin, MD, discusses how the agency has reacted to caring for veterans during COVID-19, and highlights how they have expanded on their use of telemedicine.
David Shulkin, MD, discusses how the agency has reacted to caring for veterans during COVID-19, and highlights how they have expanded on their use of telemedicine.
David Shulkin, MD, discusses how...
Veterans Health Today
How I Practice Now: Ensuring Patients Understand the Proper Use of Telehealth
Nana Duffy, MD, dermatologist, Rochester Regional Health, explains the importance of ensuring patients understand how to use telehealth properly and to its full capacity.
Nana Duffy, MD, dermatologist, Rochester Regional Health, explains the importance of ensuring patients understand how to use telehealth properly and to its full capacity.
Nana Duffy, MD, dermatologist,...
Population Health
How I Practice Now: Challenges Faced Implementing Social Distancing in the Office to Ensure Patient, Staff Safety
Sahar Swidan, PharmD, president and CEO of Pharmacy Solutions, and adjunct associate professor at George Washington University School of Medicine, Wayne State University, and Chicago State University, highlights how her office has utilized...
Sahar Swidan, PharmD, president and CEO of Pharmacy Solutions, and adjunct associate professor at George Washington University School of Medicine, Wayne State University, and Chicago State University, highlights how her office has utilized...
Sahar Swidan, PharmD, president...
Pharmacy Learning Network
COVID-19 101: Reviewing Recent Developments and Tips for Patient Comfort
Peter Pitts, CEO of CMPI and former FDA Associate Commissioner, provides tips to keep patients calm during a pandemic, and reviews the drugs and newly developed tests that have been granted emergency exemptions by the FDA.
Peter Pitts, CEO of CMPI and former FDA Associate Commissioner, provides tips to keep patients calm during a pandemic, and reviews the drugs and newly developed tests that have been granted emergency exemptions by the FDA.
Peter Pitts, CEO of CMPI and...
Population Health
How I Practice Now: The Importance of Communication During and After a Pandemic
Michael Cawley, PharmD, highlights the importance of communication during a health scare, and explains why following a pandemic face-to-face communication may take a little longer for patients to be comfortable with, which he says is...
Michael Cawley, PharmD, highlights the importance of communication during a health scare, and explains why following a pandemic face-to-face communication may take a little longer for patients to be comfortable with, which he says is...
Michael Cawley, PharmD,...
Pharmacy Learning Network
How I Practice Now: Adjusting to Telemedicine in Pharmacy
Michael P Conley, PharmD, associate clinical professor, Northeastern University, Bouve College of Health Sciences, School of Pharmacy, discusses how his health center has adjusted to the use of telemedicine since the COVID-19 pandemic...
Michael P Conley, PharmD, associate clinical professor, Northeastern University, Bouve College of Health Sciences, School of Pharmacy, discusses how his health center has adjusted to the use of telemedicine since the COVID-19 pandemic...
Michael P Conley, PharmD,...
Pharmacy Learning Network
Richard G Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD, and Vinod Rustgi, MD, MBA, discuss the prevalence of hepatic encephalopathy in long-term care residents, its pathophysiology, and its effect on mental state.
Richard G Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD, and Vinod Rustgi, MD, MBA, discuss the prevalence of hepatic encephalopathy in long-term care residents, its pathophysiology, and its effect on mental state.
Richard G Stefanacci, DO, MGH,...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Importance of Identifying Lower-Cost Alternatives in the Market
David Henka, president and CEO of ActiveRADAR, an analytics organization that focuses in on drug pricing, discusses why reference pricing for therapeutic medication alternatives is important.
David Henka, president and CEO of ActiveRADAR, an analytics organization that focuses in on drug pricing, discusses why reference pricing for therapeutic medication alternatives is important.
David Henka, president and CEO...
First Report Managed Care


