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By David Costill Podcast Series: We discuss the clinical aspects and mechanism of CAR-T therapy for the treatment of hematological malignancies with Nicole Trask, PharmD, a clinical consultant Pharmacist at UMass Medical School.  
By David Costill Podcast Series: We discuss the clinical aspects and mechanism of CAR-T therapy for the treatment of hematological malignancies with Nicole Trask, PharmD, a clinical consultant Pharmacist at UMass Medical School.  
By David Costill Podcast...
First Report Managed Care
By Dave Costill In this episode of the First Report Managed Care podcast, we spoke with Russell J Spjut, PharmD, about how the emergence of FDA-Approved CAR-T therapies for the treatment of hematological malignancies could impact managed...
By Dave Costill In this episode of the First Report Managed Care podcast, we spoke with Russell J Spjut, PharmD, about how the emergence of FDA-Approved CAR-T therapies for the treatment of hematological malignancies could impact managed...
By Dave Costill In this episode...
First Report Managed Care
In this week's GeriPal podcast we talk with Cynthia Boyd, Professor of Medicine and Geriatrician at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine about how physicians communicate with home health agencies. Home health plays a critical role...
In this week's GeriPal podcast we talk with Cynthia Boyd, Professor of Medicine and Geriatrician at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine about how physicians communicate with home health agencies. Home health plays a critical role...
In this week's GeriPal...
Annals of Long-Term Care
      There is a lot of discussion about the right to die.   Although most of these have to do with Physician Assisted Death (PAD).   What about in those who are not dying but express a dire to end their lives in the absence of a...
      There is a lot of discussion about the right to die.   Although most of these have to do with Physician Assisted Death (PAD).   What about in those who are not dying but express a dire to end their lives in the absence of a...
      There is a lot of...
Annals of Long-Term Care
  This is the first in a two part series on Geriatrics, Palliative Care, and Chronic Kidney Disease. One of our most popular GeriPal posts ever is titled, "Dying without Dialysis".  That post discusses an article on the symptomatic...
  This is the first in a two part series on Geriatrics, Palliative Care, and Chronic Kidney Disease. One of our most popular GeriPal posts ever is titled, "Dying without Dialysis".  That post discusses an article on the symptomatic...
  This is the first in a two...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Annals of Long-Term Care is pleased to bring readers expert commentaries and podcasts through a new alliance with GeriPal, an online community of interdisciplinary providers interested in geriatrics or palliative care, featuring...
Annals of Long-Term Care is pleased to bring readers expert commentaries and podcasts through a new alliance with GeriPal, an online community of interdisciplinary providers interested in geriatrics or palliative care, featuring...
Annals of Long-Term...
Annals of Long-Term Care
  On this week's podcast, we talk with the authors of a Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS) article titled Should We Bury “The Good Death"?  As luck may have it, one of the authors is co-host Alex Smith, and the other...
  On this week's podcast, we talk with the authors of a Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS) article titled Should We Bury “The Good Death"?  As luck may have it, one of the authors is co-host Alex Smith, and the other...
  On this week's...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Stuart T. Haines, PharmD, discusses a new podcast that features interviews with pharmacy experts and leaders who discuss how pharmacists can improve the way they practice and care for patients.
Stuart T. Haines, PharmD, discusses a new podcast that features interviews with pharmacy experts and leaders who discuss how pharmacists can improve the way they practice and care for patients.
Stuart T. Haines, PharmD,...
Pharmacy Learning Network
  For this weeks podcast, we talk with Laura Petrillo, lead author of a recent paper published in JAMA IM titled “Hypoglycemia in Hospice Patients With Type 2 Diabetes in a National Sample of Nursing Homes”. Laura is a palliative care...
  For this weeks podcast, we talk with Laura Petrillo, lead author of a recent paper published in JAMA IM titled “Hypoglycemia in Hospice Patients With Type 2 Diabetes in a National Sample of Nursing Homes”. Laura is a palliative care...
  For this weeks podcast, we...
Annals of Long-Term Care
  Many in palliative care (including us) have argued that the default care model in nursing homes should be a palliative approach.  Revealing indeed, therefore, to talk with nurse researcher Caroline Stephens about her publication in JAGS...
  Many in palliative care (including us) have argued that the default care model in nursing homes should be a palliative approach.  Revealing indeed, therefore, to talk with nurse researcher Caroline Stephens about her publication in JAGS...
  Many in palliative care...
Annals of Long-Term Care


