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Over 1 Million Veterans Utilized Telehealth Services During 1 Fiscal Year

During fiscal year 2018, the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) said more than 1 million video telehealth video visits were conducted among veterans and providers—a 19% increase in video visits over the year prior.   

Through video technology, VA health care providers are increasing access to care — diagnosing and managing care remotely for enrolled Veterans across the country,” the VA wrote in a press release.

According to the agency, from October 2017 through September 2018, care was delivered to veterans during roughly 2.3 million episodes of telehealth care. The VA noted that roughly half, or 1,074,400, were video telehealth encounters allowing for real-time interactions, and the other half were not real-time, interactive visits.  

The VA stressed that video technology allows veterans in remote or rural areas to come to many of the VA’s outpatient clinics and interact with specialist physicians or other practitioners. According to the agency, or the veterans seen in FY2018, roughly 582,000 were veterans located in rural areas. 

Telehealth services are available at more than 900 community-based outpatient facilities where clinicians provide care to veterans in more than 50 specialties. 

“VA’s telehealth capabilities are bridging the care gap for many Veterans,” said VA Secretary Robert Wilkie in a statement.  

“This technology gives Veterans access to the timely, quality care they deserve, without having to travel great distances to a VA facility. Time spent traveling is time away from Veterans’ jobs and families.”  

Julie Gould


The Department of Veteran Affairs. VA exceeds 1 million video telehealth visits in FY2018 [press release]. Published February 7, 2019. Accessed April 24, 2019.


