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Association Between Eating Disorders, Occupational Functioning Among Female Veterans

Edan Stanley

New data shows that addressing comorbid depressive symptoms could potentially reduce the negative effects of eating disorders (EDs) on occupational functioning and employment status among female veterans.

Researchers recently published data in Eating Disorders highlighting results from a survey of 198 female veterans in the New England region who had participated in a larger study. The mail-in survey measured participant data using the Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale, Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale, employment status (employed vs unemployed and out of the workforce), and the Inventory of Psychosocial Functioning to assess occupational functioning.

While existing data demonstrates that EDs have a negative effect on occupational functioning, researchers noted that findings are inconsistent. This survey was designed to assess “the association between transdiagnostic ED symptoms and occupational functioning and employment status among female veterans, who tend to have high rates of EDs and unemployment but who remain understudied.”

Survey results showed that ED symptoms were not significantly associated with employment status but did correlate with worse occupational functioning when controlling for body mass index. Additionally, results showed that “depressive symptoms mediated the associations between ED symptoms and both being out of the workforce and occupational functioning, respectively,” said researchers.

“Further, comorbid depressive symptoms may be an important treatment target when addressing occupational health in women experiencing ED symptoms,” concluded researchers.

Sienkiewicz M, Iverson K, Smith B, Mitchell K. Associations between eating disorder symptoms, employment status, and occupational functioning among female veterans. Eat Behav. 2021;42:101536. doi:10.1016/j.eatbeh.2021.101536


