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Day of Giving to Benefit to Stop Soldier Suicide

HMP Global, parent company of Veterans Health Today, is holding a Day of Giving to benefit Stop Soldier Suicide, the only national nonprofit focused solely on the issue of suicide among U.S. veterans and service members.  

Through the Day of Giving, a portion of registrations for HMP Global conferences, programs, and virtual events on Friday, August 16 will support the lifesaving work of Stop Soldier Suicide. This includes CME/CE accredited programs, all conferences, webinars, and other programming for mental healthcare providers.

Fulfilling its Mission

Suicide is a complex problem impacting the military community. Since September 11, 2001, more than 30,000 service members and veterans who served in the military after 9/11 died by suicide — compared to the 7,057 service members killed in combat in the same time period.

Stop Soldier Suicide has several programs in place to address this issue:

  • ROGER: Its ROGER wellness service provides crisis intervention and counseling at no cost to U.S. veterans and service members.
  • Black Box Project: Similar to the black box used to determine the cause of a plane crash, Black Box Project is a forensic data analysis project that identifies and analyzes data from digital devices of veterans who died by suicide to develop machine learning models that can identify risk patterns. 
  • Firearm Safety: The SSS team provides resources for firearm safety, to help veterans keep themselves and their families safe.
  • Clinical Partnerships: Healthcare and VSO collaborations help ensure veterans can obtain suicide-specific care through third-party referral.

Working together, we can save the lives of the brave men and women who sacrifice so much to preserve liberty and freedom.


