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Bruce N. Brent, MD

Case Report. A 60-year-old male presented to the emergency department complaining of acute onset of precordial pain radiating to the left arm and neck. He denied any recent symptoms of exertional or nonexertional chest pain. The patient had...
Case Report. A 60-year-old male presented to the emergency department complaining of acute onset of precordial pain radiating to the left arm and neck. He denied any recent symptoms of exertional or nonexertional chest pain. The patient had...
Case Report. A 60-year-old male...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Case Report
Sidebranches can be compromised during high-pressure intracoronary stenting, especially in the setting of intrinsic ostial narrowing.1–3 Immediate compromise of sidebranches involves plaque shifting, spasm and thrombosis. When patients return...
Sidebranches can be compromised during high-pressure intracoronary stenting, especially in the setting of intrinsic ostial narrowing.1–3 Immediate compromise of sidebranches involves plaque shifting, spasm and thrombosis. When patients return...
Sidebranches can be compromised...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology