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Michael Dujela, DPM, FACFAS

Yes, Dr. Dujela points to key principles and case studies that convey the need for surgical treatment in facilitating curative results. The notion that osteomyelitis is “primarily” a surgical disease does not discount the importance of...
Yes, Dr. Dujela points to key principles and case studies that convey the need for surgical treatment in facilitating curative results. The notion that osteomyelitis is “primarily” a surgical disease does not discount the importance of...
Yes, Dr. Dujela points to key...
Podiatry Today
Digital contractures are among the most common deformities we see in podiatric practice. McGlamry described three etiologies for hammertoes: flexor stabilization, flexor substitution and extensor substitution.1 While each entity may exist...
Digital contractures are among the most common deformities we see in podiatric practice. McGlamry described three etiologies for hammertoes: flexor stabilization, flexor substitution and extensor substitution.1 While each entity may exist...
Digital contractures are among...
Podiatry Today
Podiatry Today Podcasts
Drs. McAlister and Dujela share their experiences with various types of bone grafting, including handling of complications, choosing the best approach and evidence from the literature.
Drs. McAlister and Dujela share their experiences with various types of bone grafting, including handling of complications, choosing the best approach and evidence from the literature.
Drs. McAlister and Dujela share...
Podiatry Today