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Richard P. Abben, MD, FACC

ABSTRACT: Percutaneous and surgical procedures intended to potentially cure atrial fibrillation require creating lines of conduction block in specific locations throughout the atrial chambers. In patients presenting with recurrent atrial...
ABSTRACT: Percutaneous and surgical procedures intended to potentially cure atrial fibrillation require creating lines of conduction block in specific locations throughout the atrial chambers. In patients presenting with recurrent atrial...
ABSTRACT: Percutaneous and...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Case Report
   ABSTRACT: In patients receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), the left ventricular electrode cannot always be positioned in the preferred lateral or posterolateral locations due to technical factors and anatomic variations in...
   ABSTRACT: In patients receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), the left ventricular electrode cannot always be positioned in the preferred lateral or posterolateral locations due to technical factors and anatomic variations in...
   ABSTRACT: In patients...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Utility of Ultra High-Density Mapping and Conduction System Pacing to Limit Lifelong Morbidity in a Young Patient
Cover Story
This case presentation demonstrates the importance of both high-density 3D mapping and CSP in the management of a complex young patient who required treatment for a resistant atrial arrhythmia while also requiring long-term ventricular pacing.
This case presentation demonstrates the importance of both high-density 3D mapping and CSP in the management of a complex young patient who required treatment for a resistant atrial arrhythmia while also requiring long-term ventricular pacing.
This case presentation...
EP Lab Digest