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In this episode of IBD Drive Time, cohost Raymond Cross, MD, talks with Siddharth Singh, MD, about the latest guidelines from the American Gastroenterological Association on caring for patients with ulcerative colitis.
In this episode of IBD Drive Time, cohost Raymond Cross, MD, talks with Siddharth Singh, MD, about the latest guidelines from the American Gastroenterological Association on caring for patients with ulcerative colitis.
In this episode of IBD Drive...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network
Dania Daye, MD, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital

Featuring Dania Daye, MD, PhD

Featuring Dania Daye, MD, PhD
Dania Daye, MD, PhD, joins this episode of the SIO Corner podcast to share insights on how AI can be used to improve clinical practice in interventional oncology and other medical fields.
Dania Daye, MD, PhD, joins this episode of the SIO Corner podcast to share insights on how AI can be used to improve clinical practice in interventional oncology and other medical fields.
Dania Daye, MD, PhD, joins this...
IO Learning
Aging and Geriatric Evaluation in Dermatology

Featuring co-hosts Dr Adam Friedman and Jaya Manjunath

Featuring co-hosts Dr Adam Friedman a...
In this episode of the ElderDerm Podcast, co-hosts Dr Adam Friedman and Jaya Manjunath discuss the Aging and Geriatric Evaluation in Dermatology (AGED) workgroup.
In this episode of the ElderDerm Podcast, co-hosts Dr Adam Friedman and Jaya Manjunath discuss the Aging and Geriatric Evaluation in Dermatology (AGED) workgroup.
In this episode of the ElderDerm...
The Dermatologist
IBD Drive time logo
In this episode of IBD Drive Time, Dr Raymond Cross hosts Dr Jimmy Limdi from the University of Manchester to discuss his choices for the best presentations and abstracts presented at the European Crohn's and Colitis Organization meeting held...
In this episode of IBD Drive Time, Dr Raymond Cross hosts Dr Jimmy Limdi from the University of Manchester to discuss his choices for the best presentations and abstracts presented at the European Crohn's and Colitis Organization meeting held...
In this episode of IBD Drive...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network
Jim McDannald, DPM
Dr. McDannald dives deeper into referral streams and how to set yourself up for success.
Dr. McDannald dives deeper into referral streams and how to set yourself up for success.
Dr. McDannald dives deeper into...
Podiatry Today
Jodie Hurwitz, Rod Passman
In this episode, Rod Passman, MD, talks with Jodie Hurwitz, MD, about the selection of authors for Heart Rhythm Society clinical guidelines, how atrial fibrillation guidelines will change practice, pulsed field ablation, and more.
In this episode, Rod Passman, MD, talks with Jodie Hurwitz, MD, about the selection of authors for Heart Rhythm Society clinical guidelines, how atrial fibrillation guidelines will change practice, pulsed field ablation, and more.
In this episode, Rod Passman,...
EP Lab Digest
In this podcast, Drs England and Smith discuss the key recommendations and how to implement exercise, rehabilitation, diet, and additional interventions as part of an integrative management approach for people with rheumatoid arthritis.
In this podcast, Drs England and Smith discuss the key recommendations and how to implement exercise, rehabilitation, diet, and additional interventions as part of an integrative management approach for people with rheumatoid arthritis.
In this podcast, Drs England and...
Rheumatology & Arthritis
Nick Romansky, DPM
This speaker discusses how can DPMs approach load management in their orthotics programs, and specific features of the biomechanical or physical exam that can provide clues to how clinicians can best address load management.
This speaker discusses how can DPMs approach load management in their orthotics programs, and specific features of the biomechanical or physical exam that can provide clues to how clinicians can best address load management.
This speaker discusses how can...
Podiatry Today
IBD Drive time logo
Dr Patrick Young, from the Uniformed Services University and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, DC, provides guidance in how to prevent injury and discomfort when performing endoscopy in this episode of IBD Drive Time...
Dr Patrick Young, from the Uniformed Services University and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, DC, provides guidance in how to prevent injury and discomfort when performing endoscopy in this episode of IBD Drive Time...
Dr Patrick Young, from the...
Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network