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Case Q&A

Tadaaki Morotomi, MD, PhD1; Hitoshi Nishiwaki, MD, PhD1; Tomomi Iuchi, MD, PhD2; Yasuhiro Sanada, MD, PhD3; Hitomi Nakao, MD, PhD1; Mitsugu Fujita, MD, PhD4; Koji Niwa, MD, PhD5

Tadaaki Morotomi, MD, PhD1; Hitoshi N...
Cranialization of the frontal sinus with an anterior pericranial flap was performed in addition to tumorectomy to reconstruct the anterior cranial base on a 20-year-old female who presented with exophthalmos of the left eye.
Cranialization of the frontal sinus with an anterior pericranial flap was performed in addition to tumorectomy to reconstruct the anterior cranial base on a 20-year-old female who presented with exophthalmos of the left eye.
Cranialization of the frontal...