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IAGS (International Andreas Gruentzig Society) Proceedings

IAGS (International Andreas Gruentzig Society) Proceedings
Speaker: David Holmes, MD Moderator: Reginald Low, MD Panel members: George Dangas, MD, Wolfgang Ritter, MD, Peter Gonschior, MD, Brian Firth (Cordis Corporation)
Speaker: David Holmes, MD Moderator:...
George Dangas: There have been many attempts and many failures in this field due perhaps to the inherent tendency of interventional cardiologists to move quickly and work from assumptions, applying what may not yet be well understood. Gene...
George Dangas: There have been many attempts and many failures in this field due perhaps to the inherent tendency of interventional cardiologists to move quickly and work from assumptions, applying what may not yet be well understood. Gene...
George Dangas: There have been...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
IAGS (International Andreas Gruentzig Society) Proceedings
William O’Neill: I have a couple of questions for both of you. First, we are essentially talking about adult, autologous stem cells. As you all know, there is enormous controversy in the U.S. about the use of embryonic stem cells which we are...
William O’Neill: I have a couple of questions for both of you. First, we are essentially talking about adult, autologous stem cells. As you all know, there is enormous controversy in the U.S. about the use of embryonic stem cells which we are...
William O’Neill: I have a couple...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
IAGS (International Andreas Gruentzig Society) Proceedings
Speaker: Jorge Belardi, MD Moderator: Mike Cowley, MD Panelists: Tim Fischell, MD, Christopher Cates, MD, Alfredo Rodriguez, MD, David Sperling, MD, Robert Fischell, MD, Greg Braden, MD, Jamey Jacobs (Guidant Corporation)
Speaker: Jorge Belardi, MD Moderat...
Mike Cowley: Let’s begin with discussing case selection. Which patients should receive drug-eluting stents (DES)? Should they only receive one stent? Should we reserve DES for a select patient population? What should the approach be for...
Mike Cowley: Let’s begin with discussing case selection. Which patients should receive drug-eluting stents (DES)? Should they only receive one stent? Should we reserve DES for a select patient population? What should the approach be for...
Mike Cowley: Let’s begin with...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
IAGS (International Andreas Gruentzig Society) Proceedings
Speakers: Howard Cohen, MD Moderator: Kenneth Kent, MD Panelists: Pierre Leimgruber, MD, Richard Heuser, MD, Jeffrey Werner, MD, Jorge Belardi, MD, Philip Reid (Lilly)
Speakers: Howard Cohen, MD Moderator...
Tim Fischell: Many centers have spent a lot of money on the 25 or so different distal protection devices available today. We are currently preparing a manuscript on a slightly different, simpler, and considerably less expensive approach to...
Tim Fischell: Many centers have spent a lot of money on the 25 or so different distal protection devices available today. We are currently preparing a manuscript on a slightly different, simpler, and considerably less expensive approach to...
Tim Fischell: Many centers have...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
IAGS (International Andreas Gruentzig Society) Proceedings
Speaker: Fayaz Shawl, MD Moderator: Barry George, MD Panelists: Jiri Vitek, MD, Michael Mooney, MD, Christopher Cates, MD, Norberto Schechtmann, MD, Renato DeRita (Centocor)
Speaker: Fayaz Shawl, MD Moderator: B...
Barry George: Needless to say, Fayaz, you have a bias against distal protection, and it’s an emotional issue for those of us who do carotid stenting. Fayaz Shawl: I am not biased, I just think a randomized trial is needed. Barry George: I...
Barry George: Needless to say, Fayaz, you have a bias against distal protection, and it’s an emotional issue for those of us who do carotid stenting. Fayaz Shawl: I am not biased, I just think a randomized trial is needed. Barry George: I...
Barry George: Needless to say,...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
IAGS (International Andreas Gruentzig Society) Proceedings
Moderator: Kirk Garrett Panelists: Brian Firth (Cordis Corp.), Alex Martin (Cordis Corp.), Marcia Schallehn (Cordis Corp.), Matthew Jenusaitis (Boston Scientific Corp.), Jamey Jacobs (Guidant Corp.), Matthew Pollman (Guidant Corp.)
Moderator: Kirk Garrett Panelists: B...
Brian Firth (Cordis Corporation): As you all probably know, Cordis, in its entirety, is a cardiovascular device company, and now a combination drug/device company. There are four major divisions: 1) Cordis Cardiology, 2) Cordis Endovascular,...
Brian Firth (Cordis Corporation): As you all probably know, Cordis, in its entirety, is a cardiovascular device company, and now a combination drug/device company. There are four major divisions: 1) Cordis Cardiology, 2) Cordis Endovascular,...
Brian Firth (Cordis...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
IAGS (International Andreas Gruentzig Society) Proceedings
Speaker: Douglas Cavaye, MD and Michael Marin, MD Moderators: Eberhard Zeitler, MD and Klemens Barth, MD Panelists: Michael Lawrence-Brown, MD, Ernst Schneider, MD, Wolfgang Ritter, MD, Andrew Cragg, MD
Speaker: Douglas Cavaye, MD and Micha...
Wolfgang Ritter: We know that all devices have problems; for example, the VanGuard or the AneuRx® (Medtonic, Inc., Sunnyvale, California) can incur some disintegration 4 to 5 years postimplantation. With the Zenith device, the problem of late...
Wolfgang Ritter: We know that all devices have problems; for example, the VanGuard or the AneuRx® (Medtonic, Inc., Sunnyvale, California) can incur some disintegration 4 to 5 years postimplantation. With the Zenith device, the problem of late...
Wolfgang Ritter: We know that...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology